Council Newsletters / Information

    NZIMLS Council for 2023/2024

    The Council of the NZIMLS is comprised of Institute Members elected by the Membership to administer the professional affairs of the NZIMLS. The results of the elections from the Annual General Meeting for the 2023/2024 year are:

    Tony Barnett - President

    Tony Barnett - President

    Medlab South
    Nelson Hospital
    Private Bag 18, Nelson Mail Centre
    Nelson 7042
    Sujata Hemmady - Vice President

    Sujata Hemmady - Vice President

    LabPlus ADHB
    PO Box 110031
    Auckland 1148
    Ajesh Joseph - Secretary/Treasurer

    Ajesh Joseph - Secretary/Treasurer

    Waikato District Health Board
    Private Bag 3200 Hamilton 3240
    Melanie Adriaansen - Region 1

    Melanie Adriaansen - Region 1

    Te Whatu Ora - Waitemata
    Private Bag 93503
    Auckland 0740
    Hollie Beall - Region 2

    Hollie Beall - Region 2

    Te Whatu Ora Waikato
    Private Bag 3200
    Lynne Morgan
    Health New Zealand Hawke's Bay

    Lynne Morgan - Region 3

    Health New Zealand Hawke's Bay
    Private Bag 9014
    Hastings 4156
    Gavin Atkinson - Region 4

    Gavin Atkinson - Region 4

    New Zealand Blood Service
    PO Box 4156
    Christchurch 8140
    Sue Melvin - Region 5

    Sue Melvin - Region 5

    Southern Community Laboratories
    Dunstan Laboratory
    Hospital Street
    Clyde 9341
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