The NZIMLS acts on behalf of its members to administer the affairs of the profession and has a non-industrial focus. The Institute is the main provider of continuing education for the profession of Medical Laboratory Science in New Zealand. We are a registered Charity with the New Zealand Charities Commission, Registration number CC42318.
The Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand (MSCNZ) is a separate body from the NZIMLS. The MSCNZ has statutory power to register and issue practicing certificates to Scientists and Technicians. As part of their role they consider all applications for Scientist or Technician registration for those working in a diagnostic medical laboratory in New Zealand. More information about the MSCNZ is available by visiting
Through an elected Council and via the Executive Office (Executive Officer) and CPD and Membership Coordinator
Contact the NZIMLS CPD Co-ordinator or have a look here.
Contact the NZIMLS Executive office to discuss your options.
Yes - you need to contact both the NZIMLS and the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand.
Yes - you need to contact both the NZIMLS and the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand.
Council is comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and 5 Regional Representatives. The makeup of Council is set bi-annually by the Membership following the elections of Officers. All Council positions are honorary - i.e. work is voluntary with people giving up their time for the administration of their profession.
Council meets quarterly to plan Institute examinations, review progress with the CPD programme, discuss the NZIMLS Journal with the Editor, consider the financial affairs of the Institute, plan the Annual Scientific Meeting and other CE events, and consider correspondence from members and other organisations.
The NZ Association of Bacteriologists (NZAB) was first formed in Wellington in April 1946 and was the forerunner to the organisation we today know as the NZIMLS.
Sorry, no. We are the professional organisation for MLS's and MLTs and do not offer employment advice. We do however host vacancies on our website and you do not need to be a member to view these pages.
Sorry, no. For information on working in a New Zealand laboratory, please visit the Medical Sciences Council website.
Please email your request to
Membership is voluntary. However, membership of your professional body is your first step toward your identity as both a health-care and a laboratory professional. Membership is open to those engaged in, training in, or associated with the profession of Medical Laboratory Science.
Scientists registered with the Medical Laboratory Sciences Council of NZ should apply for Full Membership with NZIMLS.
Technicians registered with the Medical Laboratory Sciences Council of NZ should apply for Associate Membership with NZIMLS.
Any person not eligible for Full Membership (e.g. non-registered Laboratory Technicians, trainees and non-vocationally qualified persons associated with the profession) may apply for Associate membership.
Yes! Student membership is available for anyone currently enrolled in their third or fourth year of a BMLSc degree being taught in a New Zealand university.
You may apply for new membership or renew your current membership here.
Some laboratories do reimburse their members who are also enrolled in our CPD programme. Check with your Supervisor if this applies to you.
No. The Medical Sciences Council (MSC) and NZIMLS are two separate companies. To apply for registration, or to renew your Annual Practicing Certificate, please visit
No, membership with NZIMLS does not help if you are currently overseas looking to work in New Zealand.
Yes, as a registered scientist or technician you are required to participate in any one of the three CPD programmes that have been approved by the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand.
The HPCA Act 2003 requires all health professionals to demonstrate competence in the practice of their profession. The Act was introduced to provide greater public protection against the actions of incompetent health professionals.
The NZIMLS CPD programme is one of only three programmes approved by the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand. For more information visit
The NZIMLS offers a CPD programme for both technicians and scientists. The annual APC application with the Medical Sciences Council requires technicians to undertake a minimum of 8 hours (16 points) of professional development annually in order to obtain an APC.
Complete the appropriate CPD enrolment form and forward it to the NZIMLS along with the programme fee.
No - provided you remain employed in a diagnostic laboratory and remain financial by paying the annual programme fee, you will not have to re-enrol.
Your CPD points total will transfer with you, however please ensure that you update your employment details with the NZIMLS
The same points per year applies to both full and part-time staff employed as scientists. Points may be gained from attendance at seminars, journal clubs, SIG meetings, or through one of the other options outlined in the CPD booklet.
If this is a concern for you, talk things over with your lab supervisor/manager. The best approach is to consider this a venture that requires input from both yourself and your employer.
Once enrolled in the programme you can access your CPD record at Log in, then follow the instructions to manage your CPD record, alter your details or print CPD activity certificates as required.
Your password is the four digit number that was provided to you when you enrolled in the CPD programme. This together with your email address is required for you to access your CPD records. If you have forgotten your password use the 'Forgot Password' link or contact the NZIMLS.
This is required for you to log in to enter CPD points. Your email address is confidential to the NZIMLS and is used to provide you with information about upcoming scientific meetings in your area and correspond with you over other matters of professional interest to its Members. NZIMLS does not supply your email address to any third party.
Once logged in, you may download the CPD Programme Booklet.
Approximately 10% of all participants will be audited annually. This will occur at the end of each year and if selected you will be required to provide documentation to support your CPD points record. Failure to cooperate with the auditors or failure to provide adequate evidence to support your claimed CPD total could result in the MSC refusing to issue you an Annual Practising Certificate (APC) for the upcoming year. The CPD booklet states the minimum requirements of the audit process for both Scientists & Technicians.
You may load points for the current year (1 January to 31 December) up until midnight on 31 January the following that year. After that (i.e. from 1 February), you will need to contact the CPD Coordinator to have your points entered for you. There is a fee of $50.00 for this service, and you will be invoiced accordingly.
Most NZ scientific meetings are approved as CPD meetings. This process relies upon organisers seeking CPD approval for their meetings from the NZIMLS before the meeting. Where a meeting has been approved, the NZIMLS provides the Conference/Seminar organisers with a meeting code for inclusion on certificates of attendance issued to those present at the meeting. Notes or a report must also be kept as part of the audit process.
If the meeting has relevance to your area of work, then points may be claimed. The claim allowed under these circumstances is 2 points per hour which is pro-rata to the length of time of the meeting. The maximum daily claim for attendance at a conference or seminar is 8 hours (16 points). Check the CPD Booklet for documentation that is to be kept.
CPD points for courses such as OSH, people management (e.g. train the trainer), dangerous goods handling, assertiveness training, etc. are not specified in the CPD programme booklets. Whilst these may improve "people management" or "laboratory safety skills", they should not detract from the prime goal of attaining 40 CPD points per year, for MLS related activities. Claim 2 points per course (max. 10 points per year), with claims made under the "Other" section of the programme. This does not include Health and Safety meetings, First Aid Training, Fire Training or Hand washing/Hygiene sessions, which are all part of your compulsory competence requirements.
If you practice the profession or perform tasks that are classified as medical laboratory science, then you must hold an APC. If you answer yes to any of these then you are required to participate in a competency and professional development programme.
You should inform the Medical Sciences Council that you will be off work for part all of the year and apply for an exemption next time you apply for an APC. You also need to advise the NZIMLS.
This depends on timing, but if you work any part of a year for which you will require an APC then you will be required to have a minimum of 60 points for your Laboratory Competency. In addition, you should also accumulate points for professional development for the part of the year in which you were working.
The supervision/teaching/training of either BMLSc students or staff training toward Technician qualifications, does not qualify trainers for CPD points. This is because this activity is not considered professional development or ongoing learning for yourself, as you are passing on information you use as part of your day-to-day job. For this you receive 60 points per annum i.e., annual competency. Person(s) receiving training (e.g. someone working towards a QMLT) may be eligible to claim CPD points if they are required to collect professional development points for their APC. However, you may claim 2 points under Section 17 if you are the primary supervisor of a fourth year BMLSc student in your laboratory.
Application is available from mid-February each year. Applicants must be an Associate member of NZIMLS, and need to have exam applications to the Executive office by 20 April. No late entries are accepted.
It is not compulsory for technicians to sit a QMLT after six months of practical experience. You can sit the following year.
The Practical Assessment is to be completed, and the signed page only emailed to the NZIMLS office within 12 months of passing your exam.
Provision is made for you to withdraw from/rollover your examination under special circumstances. Please refer to the QMLT Prerequisites document for further information. Requests for withdrawal must be received, in writing to the Executive Office, no later than 1st September in the year you are sitting your exam.
Ensure you have provided NZIMLS with your completed Logbook. Send in the signed page only.
Complete your hours. You are required to complete 2,000 hours for your qualification to be finalised. Once you have finished your hours, download a Completion of Hours form (available here), fill in and email to the Executive Office.
Apply for Registration as a Medical Laboratory Technician or Medical Laboratory Pre-analytical Technician with the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand.
Once the Executive Office receive your signed Completion of Hours and Practical Assessment forms your Certificate and badge will be posted to you.
All those practising as a Medical Laboratory Technician or Scientist must hold a current Annual Practising Certificate (APC) and Registration with the Medical Sciences Council. In order to keep your APC current, you need to participate in a Competency and Professional Development Programme (CPD). NZIMLS offers programmes both for Scientists and Technicians.
Membership with NZIMLS is voluntary, however keeping your membership is a good way to stay in touch with other professionals working in the field of medical laboratory science. As an Associate member you will receive discounted rates to NZIMLS Special Interest Group meetings and Conferences.
NOTE: You must remain a financial member of NZIMLS until the time you fully complete your qualification (i.e. passed the examination AND provided us with your Completion of Hours and Practical Assessment sign-offs.
YES! You must let the Executive Office know if you no longer wish to be a member. Reminder notices are sent out via email at the beginning of each year, and you are liable for that year's fees unless you have resigned your membership.
Phone: 03 313 4761
Mobile: 021 229 5454
All Rights Reserved | NZIMLS