The Barrie Edwards & Rod Kennedy scholarship is one of the most significant awards offered by the NZIMLS. The award provides support for attendance at an international or national scientific meeting up to a maximum value of $7,500.
Applications for this prestigious scholarship are invited from Fellows, Members and Associate Members of the NZIMLS. Applicants must be current financial members of the NZIMLS and have been a financial member for at least two concurrent years prior to application. To be eligible applicants must make an oral or poster presentation as 1st author at their nominated scientific meeting.
All applications will be considered by panel consisting of senior medical laboratory scientists (who are ineligible to apply for the scholarships). All applications will be judged on professional and academic merit and the authors participation in the profession in NZ. The panel's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
One scholarship prize is awarded in each calendar year and the closing date is and December 20th in any given year.
Year | Previous Recipients | To Attend |
2019 | Pippa Dryland LabPLUS, Auckland | CSLI DDC Committee meeting, USA |
2018 | Jacquie Wright ESR, Upper Hutt | VTEC Meeting, Florence, Italy 2018 |
2017 | Rebecca O'Toole Wellington SCL, Haematology | 3rd European Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Glasgow, United Kingdom 2-4 October 2019 |
2015 | Maxine Reed Aotea Pathology | Oral Presentation at the AACC Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA July 2015 |
2014 | Julie Creighton Microbiology Canterbury Health Laboratories | Poster Presentation at the ICAAC 2014 Washington DC, USA |
2013 | Mary Stevens Canterbury Health Laboratories | Poster Presentation at the American Society of Microbiology Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA 18-21 May 2013 |
2012 | Holly Perry Programme Leader BMLSc, School of Applied Science AUT University, Auckland | Oral Presentation at the American Association of Blood Banks Conference, Boston USA 2012 |
2011 | Bernard Chambers Haematology Department Middlemore Hospital, Auckland | Poster Presentation at the IBMS Biomedical Science Congress 2011 United Kingdom |
2010 | Sandy Woods Canterbury Health Laboratories Christchurch | Oral Presentation at the NZIMLS / AIMS South Pacific Congress 2011 Gold Coast, Australia |
Phone: 03 313 4761
Mobile: 021 229 5454
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