Please download the Instructions for Authors for the submission of Original Articles for consideration of publication in the New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science.
Instructions and guidelines for the submission of Case Studies can be found in the Journal publication (NZJ Med Lab Sci 2010; 64: 22-23) by Siebers R. How to write a laboratory based case study for the Journal
All articles must be submitted electronically as an email attachment .docx file together with the completed Author Form:
NZ J Med Lab Science Author Form or
NZ J Med Lab Science Author Form (MS Word) to the NZIMLS Editorial Office at
NB: Articles submitted for publication are understood to be offered only to the NZ Journal of MLS and must not have been previously published in full or substantial part thereof (except in the form of an abstract). If accepted for publication, copyright is vested in the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.
This proforma may be used for your CPD records and audit purposes.
This plagiarism policy is applicable to authors submitting an article to the New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science.
According to Wikipedia, plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation and purloining and publication of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions, and the representation of them as one's own original work”; while self plagiarism is “the reuse of significant, identical, or nearly identical portions of one's own work without acknowledging that one is doing so or without citing the original work”.
Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, and the Journal
Articles in biomedical journals are supposed to be original. Duplication of articles by self-plagiarism (duplicate publication) distorts the scientific literature and generally infringes on copyright laws. Plagiarism of other published articles, without appropriate attribution, is unethical and also distorts the scientific literature and infringes on copyright laws.
Authors submitting to the New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science sign the author form stating, among other, that this work is original and has not previously been published in full or substantial part thereof (except as an abstract), and that no part of the article has been lifted (plagiarised) from other published material.
If the Editors or reviewers suspect plagiarism, submitted articles will be checked with plagiarism detection software. If plagiarism is strongly suggested, then the authors will be contacted for an explanation. If the authors express ignorance or unawareness, the Editors may allow re-submission and the authors warned as to the seriousness of plagiarism. In the case of a submitted article having been found to have been totally or substantially published elsewhere, the submitted article is rejected outright. Authors will be contacted for an explanation and their institution may be contacted. The Editors may ban the authors from submitting to the Journal for a defined time period. The Editors will use the COPE (Committee on Publications Ethics) guidelines (
If an article accepted and published in the New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is subsequently discovered to have previously been published substantially or in full elsewhere, the authors will be contacted for an explanation. Their institutions may be notified and the authors maybe banned from future submissions for a specified time period. Additionally, the offending article in the Journal will be retracted from electronic data bases and a formal retraction notice, with full reasons, will be published in the Journal.
If it is discovered that an article published in the New Zealand Journal of Medical Laboratory Science is subsequently substantially or in full published in another biomedical journal, the Editor of that journal will be contacted with full details.
Lisa Cambridge, Editor
Mike Legge, Deputy-Editor
Phone: 03 313 4761
Mobile: 021 229 5454
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